
Star sapphire ring
Star sapphire ring

But it is necessary to establish some basic parameters to help judge the quality of a star sapphire. In rare occasions, apart from usually expected rutile impurities we can also find gemstones with traces of hematite and ilmenite that can create a twin star.Ī good star sapphire is almost always subjective and a matter of personal opinion. More commonly you can find intersecting 6 ray single star sapphires. In other words the asterism of a sapphire occurs due to the chemical impurity of the gem. When illuminated with light, these tiny needle like rutiles of the gem reflect the light and create the rays that give birth to a magnificent star. These rutile grows almost as tiny needles inside the corundum. However there could be traces of foreign materials like titanium oxide otherwise known as rutile that gets included into the corundum during the natural formation process. Corundum is chemically made out of Aluminium Oxide. Star sapphire belongs to the gem type known as corundum. The phenomena known as asterism is what makes the star sapphire a true marvel. This article intends to serve as a start to finish guide on the finer details of star sapphires.

star sapphire ring

The beauty of the star that appears under bright light is fascinating and almost sorcery. It has something to offer beyond the pure brilliance and fire of a diamond.

star sapphire ring

Popular stones like blue sapphires, rubies and emeralds have always overshadowed this fine gem.

star sapphire ring

Star sapphire is unarguably one of nature’s magical wonders.

Star sapphire ring